28 research outputs found

    A Digital Signature Scheme Based on Random Split of St-Gen Codes

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    Recently we proposed a method for a random split of Staircase-Generator codes (St-Gen codes) to counter the weaknesses found in the previous constructions of public key schemes using St-Gen codes. The initial proposal for the random split addressed only the encryption scheme, and we left the problem of how to apply the random splitting on the signature scheme open. In this work we solve that open problem and describe a digital signature scheme based on random split of St-Gen codes

    Semantic Security and Key-Privacy With Random Split of St-Gen Codes

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    Recently we have defined Staircase-Generator codes (St-Gen codes) and their variant with a random split of the generator matrix of the codes. One unique property of these codes is that they work with arbitrary error sets. In this paper we give a brief overview of St-Gen codes and the list decoding algorithm for their decoding. We also analyze the semantic security against chosen plaintext attack (IND-CPA) and key-privacy i.e. indistinguishability of public keys under chosen plaintext attack (IK-CPA) of the encryption scheme with random split of St-Gen codes. In a similar manner as it was done by Nojima et al., and later by Yamakawa et al., we show that padding the plaintext with a random bit-string provides IND-CPA and IK-CPA in the standard model. The difference with McEliece scheme is that with our scheme the length of the padded random string is significantly shorter

    An Encryption Scheme based on Random Split of St-Gen Codes

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    Staircase-Generator codes (St-Gen codes) have recently been introduced in the design of code-based public key schemes and for the design of steganographic matrix embedding schemes. In this paper we propose a method for random splitting of St-Gen Codes and use it to design a new coding based public key encryption scheme. The scheme uses the known list decoding method for St-Gen codes, but introduces a novelty in the creation of the public and private key. We modify the classical approach for hiding the structure of the generator matrix by introducing a technique for splitting it into random parts. This approach counters the weaknesses found in the previous constructions of public key schemes using St-Gen codes. Our initial software implementation shows that encryption using Random Split of St-Gen Codes compared to original St-Gen Codes is slower by a linear factor in the number of random splits of the St-Gen code, while the decryption complexity remains the same

    Linearity Measures for MQ Cryptography

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    We propose a new general framework for the security of multivariate quadratic (\mathcal{MQ}) schemes with respect to attacks that exploit the existence of linear subspaces. We adopt linearity measures that have been used traditionally to estimate the security of symmetric cryptographic primitives, namely the nonlinearity measure for vectorial functions introduced by Nyberg at Eurocrypt \u2792, and the (s,t)(s, t)--linearity measure introduced recently by Boura and Canteaut at FSE\u2713. We redefine some properties of \mathcal{MQ} cryptosystems in terms of these known symmetric cryptography notions, and show that our new framework is a compact generalization of several known attacks in \mathcal{MQ} cryptography against single field schemes. We use the framework to explain various pitfalls regarding the successfulness of these attacks. Finally, we argue that linearity can be used as a solid measure for the susceptibility of \mathcal{MQ} schemes to these attacks, and also as a necessary tool for prudent design practice in \mathcal{MQ} cryptography

    Reviving the Idea of Incremental Cryptography for the Zettabyte era Use case: Incremental Hash Functions Based on SHA-3

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    One of the crucial factors for enabling fast and secure computations in the Zettabyte era is the use of incremental cryptographic primitives. For files ranging from several megabytes up to hundreds of gigabytes, incremental cryptographic primitives offer speedup factors measured in multiple orders of magnitude. In this paper we define two incremental hash functions iSHAKE128 and iSHAKE256 based on the recent NIST proposal for SHA-3 Extendable-Output Functions SHAKE128 and SHAKE256. We give two practical implementation aspects of a newly introduced hash functions and compare them with already known tree based hash scheme. We show the trends of efficiency gains as the amount of data increases in comparisons between our proposed hash functions and the standard tree based incremental schemes. Our proposals have the security levels against collision attacks of 128 and 256 bits

    Hardness estimates of the Code Equivalence Problem in the Rank Metric

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    In this paper, we analyze the hardness of the Matrix Code Equivalence (MCE) problem for matrix codes endowed with the rank metric, and provide the first algorithms for solving it. We do this by making a connection to another well-known equivalence problem from multivariate cryptography - the Isomorphism of Polynomials (IP). Under mild assumptions, we give tight reductions from MCE to the homogenous version of the Quadratic Maps Linear Equivalence (QMLE) problem, and vice versa. Furthermore, we present reductions to and from similar problems in the sum-rank metric, showing that MCE is at the core of code equivalence problems. On the practical side, using birthday techniques known for IP, we present two algorithms: a probabilistic algorithm for MCE running in time O(q23(n+m))\mathcal{O}^*( q^{\frac{2}{3}(n+m)}), and a deterministic algorithm for MCE with roots, running in time O(qm)\mathcal{O}^*(q^{m}). Lastly, to confirm these findings, we solve randomly-generated instances of MCE using these two algorithms

    Practical key-recovery attack on MQ-Sign

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    This note describes a polynomial-time key-recovery attack on the UOV-based signature scheme called MQ-Sign. The scheme is a first-round candidate in the Korean Post-Quantum Cryptography Competition. Our attack exploits the sparsity of the secret central polynomials in combination with the specific structure of the secret linear map SS. We provide a verification script that recovers the secret key in less than seven seconds for security level 5

    Practical Multi-party Private Set Intersection Protocols

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    Privacy-preserving techniques for processing sets of information have attracted the research community’s attention in recent years due to society’s increasing dependency on the availability of data at any time. One of the fundamental problems in set operations is known as Private Set Intersection (PSI). The problem requires two parties to compute the intersection between their sets while preserving correctness and privacy. Although several efficient two-party PSI protocols already exist, protocols for PSI in the multi-party setting (MPSI) currently scale poorly with a growing number of parties, even though this applies to many real-life scenarios. This paper fills this gap by proposing two multi-party protocols based on Bloom filters and threshold homomorphic PKEs, which are secure in the semi-honest model. The first protocol is a multi-party PSI, whereas the second provides a more subtle functionality - threshold multi-party PSI (T-MPSI) - which outputs items of the server that appear in at least some number of other private sets. The protocols are inspired by the Davidson-Cid protocol based on Bloom filters. We compare our MPSI protocol against Kolesnikov et al., which is among the fastest known MPSI protocols. Our MPSI protocol performs better than Kolesnikov et al. in terms of run time, given that the sets are small and there is a large number of parties. Our T-MPSI protocol performs better than other existing works: the computational and communication complexities are linear in the number of elements in the largest set given a fixed number of colluding parties. We conclude that our MPSI and T-MPSI protocols are practical solutions suitable for emerging use-case scenarios with many parties, where previous solutions did not scale well

    McEliece in the world of Escher

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    We present a new family of linear binary codes of length n and dimension k accompanied with a fast list decoding algorithm that can correct up to n/2 errors in a bounded channel with an error density ρ\rho. The decisional problem of decoding random codes using these generalized error sets is NP-complete. Next we use the properties of these codes to design both an encryption scheme and a signature scheme. Although in the open literature there have been several proposals how to produce digital signatures from the McEliece public key scheme, as far as we know, this is the first public key scheme based on codes where signatures are produced in a straightforward manner from the decryption procedure of the scheme. The security analysis of our scheme have four parts: 1. An extensive list of attacks using the Information Set Decoding techniques adopted for our codes; 2. An analysis of the cost of a distinguishing attack based on rank attacks on the generator matrix of the code or on its dual code; 3. An analysis of the cost of cheap distinguishing attacks on the generator matrix of the code or on its dual code that have expensive list-decoding properties; 4. We interpret our scheme as multivariate quadratic system and discuss difficulties of solving that system using algebraic approaches such as Gröbner bases. Based on this security analysis we suggest some concrete parameters for the security levels in the range of 28021282^{80} - 2^{128}. An additional feature of the decryption process is that it admits massive and trivial parallelization that could potentially make our scheme in hardware as fast as the symmetric crypto primitives